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Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter), by Stephen P. Anderson
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What happens when you’ve built a great website or app, but no one seems to care? How do you get people to stick around long enough to see how your service might be of value? In Seductive Interaction Design, speaker and author Stephen P. Anderson takes a fresh approach to designing sites and interactions based on the stages of seduction. This beautifully designed book examines what motivates people to act.
Topics include:
- AESTHETICS, BEAUTY, AND BEHAVIOR: Why do striking visuals grab our attention? And how do emotions affect judgment and behavior?
- PLAYFUL SEDUCTION: How do you create playful engagements during the moment? Why are serendipity, arousal, rewards, and other delights critical to a good experience?
- THE SUBTLE ART OF SEDUCTION: How do you put people at ease through clear and suggestive language? What are some subtle ways to influence behavior and get people to move from intent to action?
- THE GAME OF SEDUCTION: How do you continue motivating people long after the first encounter? Are there lessons to be gained from learning theories or game design?
Principles from psychology are found throughout the book, along with dozens of examples showing how these techniques have been applied with great success. In addition, each section includes interviews with influential web and interaction designers.
- Sales Rank: #175480 in Books
- Published on: 2011-06-25
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.06" h x .55" w x 7.95" l, 1.15 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 240 pages
About the Author
Stephen P. Anderson is an internationally recognized speaker and consultant based in Dallas, Texas. He created the Mental Notes card deck, a tool that's widely used by product teams to apply psychology to interaction design. Prior to venturing out on his own, Stephen spent more than a decade building and leading teams of information architects, interaction designers, and UI developers. He's designed web applications for technology startups as well as corporate clients like Nokia, Frito-Lay, Sabre Travel Network, and Chesapeake Energy. Between public speaking and project work, Stephen offers workshops and training to help organizations manage creative teams, make use of visual thinking, and design better customer experiences.
Most helpful customer reviews
25 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
A lot of power in this playful book
By Katherine Sierra
I love this book. You can get something useful just by randomly opening it to any page, though I strongly suggest reading it start to finish, and then again with a highlighter! I was looking forward to this book for some time, though a little skeptical given: A) the bold promise of the book and B) this is a topic my own work centers around, so my bar was set quite high. But after spending time with the book, I believe it will be a *HUGE* help to anyone who takes the messages within it seriously.
It's a playful book on a playful topic, but that doesn't mean it isn't powerful. The author has done an amazing job of synthesizing research and implementation ideas from a wide range of domains, all devoted to one goal: creating sustainably engaging user experiences. He manages to do this while including a topic that I typically do NOT like: gamification. However, the author understands the deep implications of how these (game mechanics) techniques can be used, and stays focused on a user-centered context (as opposed to pure marketing-driven manipulation).
This book may look like yet another superficial "make things fun" or even "delightful customer experiences" book, but it's much more. If you want to give your users richer experiences at every level from initial exposure to more advanced use, and create users/customers more likely to stick around and grow with the product, I recommend this book. It's the only book I have found that summarizes these topics in a useful, actionable, way.
Footnote: I was shocked to find my name listed in the credits as an "inspiration" for the topic. I don't know the author, and I would have been extremely disappointed if the book failed to live up to its promise, given my "association" with it. So I was both relieved and thrilled with how helpful and insightful the book is. As an end-user of many, many products and services, I want a world where those who design and deliver user experiences have taken the message of this book seriously.
25 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
Small and Thorough
By John M
Stephen Anderson does an excellent job introducing the questions that we ask ourselves when we visit a website, open software, buy physical products, and gravitate toward certain people. The book's psychological approach to explaining the catalysts and triggers of human behavior is thorough and provides good examples of how to use those triggers to create a lasting and impressionable experiences. There are 25 chapters which are grouped into four sections...see section descriptions or skip to the bottom line.
Section one (Aesthetics, Beauty, and Behavior) covers topics like gestalt principles/psychology, perceived affordances, product credibility and personality, affect, cognition, and association. Anderson makes plenty of references to other quintessential UX books such as Designing with the Mind in Mind by Jeff Johnson, Visual Thinking for Design by Colin Ware, and Emotional Design by Donald Norman. Section two (Playful Seduction) covers ways to engage audiences with positive affective states such as humor, the mystique of unexpected behavior, and `delighters'. Anderson also uses specific phenomenon such as the information gap theory to explain alternate methods of eliminating the feeling of deprivation in users seeking information. Section three (The subtle Art of Seduction) covers some of the covert ways that our behavior is influenced by revealing topics such as the endowed progress effect, default options, and the many interfaces that offer suggestions such as Twitter's `Who to follow'. Topics such as loss aversion were clearly outlined and empowers users to be more aware of the influences we encounter while online. Section four (The Game of Seduction) takes a gamification approach to explaining the intrigue of certain user experiences. Anderson explains the power of `fun' by introducing the elements of game design (challenges, choices, and conflicts)
This book provided so many examples and references that even a proficient UX specialist would learn something new or easily be referred to other helpful sources of information. Rarely have I found so much information packed into such a short book. I highly recommend the book for newcomers to UX, but I also encourage experienced practitioners to grab a copy for reference.
42 of 49 people found the following review helpful.
hmmm ...
By TranquilTree
OK ... lots of rave reviews on this one. What am I missing? I just don't see it. I think this book is fine. There are some cute stories to spark ideas. There is a strong emphasis on delighting the user with unexpected personalization during their experience... yup, that's good. And that's why this is three stars, not less. I can see how the book can capture the reader's attention, although maybe not for more than a few pages per sitting. The layout is clean/well-done. But I honestly think a group of friends hanging-out at Starbucks on a Sunday morning could muse at least half of what's here. I suppose there's value in having these ideas compiled in a book as opposed to quickly-forgotten musings over scones and a Latte. But I'm not seeing anything here that's really sticking as I contemplate designing a website.
Here's a test for you. If you're considering buying this book ... how much did the title effect your decision to surf to this page? If the title is the only reason you're here, then you can expect that experience to translate to pretty much every page of this book. It's all about the quick 'grab' ... not too much substance after that. So, I guess if that's the kind of inspiration you're looking for then this book is for you. Hey, it got me to buy the book. I totally have to cop to that.
And to be honest that's the only reason I gave it three stars. I bought the book ... LOL! I didn't hate it ... just didn't get the kind of zing that apparently others got. Oh well. Keeping it ... but not loving it. And definitely not seduced by it. I'd need a LOT more substance for that :)
See all 29 customer reviews...
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Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter), by Stephen P. Anderson PDF
Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter), by Stephen P. Anderson PDF
Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter), by Stephen P. Anderson PDF
Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter), by Stephen P. Anderson PDF